“pass it on - by Dmitry Blotsky”

That was all that was written at the top of comic #1, Rinear Argebrawr, as it was passed around the class of first-year Software Engineers in "The Dungeon" of University of Waterloo's Rod Coutts Hall. The date was October 26th, 2009. Just a short while later, pass it on comics was born. How did we come this far? It took a small team of four dedicated "softies" (Software Engineers) to bring this comic to life...

Dmitry Blotsky

Dmitry Blotsky

Comic Artist Extraordinaire
Born atop Гара Дзяржынская in the great country of Belarus, Dmitry became a child prodigy at the age of 18. He won the national "Dmitry Blotsky Look-Alike Contest", and remained champion for five years, until dethroned by Hugh Jackman. After this crushing loss, he moved to Canada, where he won several national staring contests (pictured, left) and enrolled in the University of Waterloo. Although his attendance is as yet unconfirmed, he has nevertheless passed around dozens of hilarious comics.

Peter Sobot

Peter Sobot

Web Design
Peter woke up one day to find that he had fallen asleep with his laptop. Luckily, he types in his sleep, and now we have an awesome webcomic! When Peter is not dream-coding he is listening to or writing music. The "music" created by this man would chill the hearts of anyone who can read a time signature. He is also responsible for posting the comics, so we all know who to yell at if your favourite webcomic isn't updated yet.

Mr. Ryan

Mr. Ryan

Conceptual Consulting & Advertising
A nice little biographical blurb will go here, once written.

Chris Taylor

Chris Taylor

Conceptual Consulting
A nice little biographical blurb will go here, once written.